Sun Printing Workshop (Ages 8 -12)

June 1, 2024

Cyanotype printing is one of the earliest photographic processes and is so much fun! In this simple but delightful process, (also called sun printing) exposures are made using sunlight and developed with water. Kids practice composition skills by creatively arranging objects on pieces of paper and fabric, and learn about photographic exposure by making tests to determine final exposure time. The resulting prints range from light cyan to rich royal blue. We will have plenty of materials to work with (flowers, leaves, lace, feathers, buttons, paper clips, nuts and bolts, etc.) but kids are welcome to bring their own special object to make a camera-less image of!

Saturday afternoon, 1:00 - 3:00pm, $35

Taught by Bonnie Tate-Woodby

Class limit is 10.